
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Don’t consider ‘Thank you’ a mere word

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

The subordinate may thank the officer on every matter but the officer considers it an offense to thank him. Similarly, it is as if we are doing a favour on the shopkeeper by purchasing something from him, and the thought of thanking him seems unimportant or even wrong to us.

We should not hesitate to accept the fact that instead of developing, the human species has declined culturally and morally. Scientific knowledge has advanced significantly, scientific inventions have stormed our lives, and accessories pertaining to the modern lifestyle have entered most homes, but the politeness of language and clarity in speech and behavior, which were an essential part of our traditional society, has been lost. Most good habits of Muslims have been acquired by non-Muslims, and expressing gratitude is one such good habit. You may agree with the opinion that this habit is very rare in our society because we do not often teach our children to say ‘thank you’. On the contrary, you may have heard western nationals saying thanks on little things.  In our society, people not just from the upper class but also the middle class say thanks based on rank and position. Such as the subordinate may thank the officer on every matter but the officer considers it an insult to thank him. Similarly, it is as if we are doing a favour on the shopkeeper by purchasing something from him, and the thought of thanking him seems unimportant or even wrong to us. Thanking the waiter at a restaurant or the porter at the railway station may be seen with contempt by some people, but the matter is opposite to this. Many people whom we look down upon in our hearts are more deserving of our gratitude, and to them a word of thanks is more meaningful.  You may not even be able to imagine how a word of thanks can bloom the flowers of happiness in their hearts. Salesmen at shop, vegetable vendors, and other street vendors, employees at petrol pump; your esteem will absolutely not fall by thanking such people. Trust me, it will rise instead. If you make thankfulness a habit, you will feel that you also get to hear this word more often. Geniality, like a viral disease, is also contagious. If you treat others with kindness, then the same habits would also develop in them, which are highly needed in today’s age. We are losing politeness in our conversations particularly. The parlance of the new generation is alarmingly declining from moral standards. If you by any chance happen to stand at a place or travel in a bus in which four to five youngsters are also present, then perhaps your heart would fill up with grief and disappointment. You will think is this the generation which we call the masons of the future. Is it more them most parents are wearing themselves out to provide them with luxuries from all over the world? It is not difficult to acquire good habits. We will mention some as a reminder. Continue sending over gifts and other snacks to your neighbors on appropriate occasions. Be the first one to greet the passersby on the street with a Salaam. Be there for others around you in times of happiness and grief, assist others in little ways irrespective of your social rank. Hold the door for someone. These little acts will gradually make our atmosphere beautiful and pleasant. You will not only become a source of happiness for others by adopting these habits but you will also be able to face life in a better way. At least adopt one habit among these, if not more. Make it a routine to say thanks and also cultivate this habit in your children. And if you are unable to express thanks to someone in person then convey your gratitude to them through phone or email. Believe it! This single word cannot just play a vital role in your life but also in others’.

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